WORKFLOW IN ebizframe
The workflow embedded in ebizframe offers benefits at multiple levels to its users. The approvals, alerts and dynamic process flows help the organization reduce cycle time enormously. The maker checker concept is available to ensure tighter controls if needed.
With workflow functionality of ebizframe, it is possible to have multiple levels of approvals for various transactions and these levels can move up and down the organization pyramid depending upon their nature and value. In case the person at the next approving level is not available, the transaction will move to the next higher level in a time bound, defined manner to ensure that the cycle completes in the quickest possible time.
The alert system enables creation of alerts through SMS or emails. It is possible to reject or approve transactions from the email itself without logging into ebizframe. Dynamic process flows includes documents, approval levels, and defining recipients of auto generated reports to ensure that the right information is available to the right person on time.
All these put together allow the organization to respond fast to internal or external stimuli, ensuring that you are always competitive and always responsive to your customers, suppliers or other members of your ecology.